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《老子》道術應用之詮釋轉折: 借由《韓非子》詮解《老子》權謀術用看 王真《道德經論兵要義述》用兵之術 楊穎詩 國立臺灣師範大學共同教育委員會國文教育組兼任助理教授 提要 Interpretative Turn of the Application of Tao-Shu in Laozi: Using Hanfeizi to Interpret Laozi’s Strategy, and See Wang Zhen’s Daodejing Lunbing Yaoyi Shu
Ieong, Weng-si
老子 韓非子 王真 道 術
Laizi, Hanfeizi, Wang Zhen, Dao, Shu



Wang Zhen’s Daodejing Lunbing Yaoyi Shu is a masterpiece of the Tang Dynasty which annotates Laozi with a military works approach. Its philosophy of war lies in stopping war by not contending. The annotation of Laozi in Daodejing Lunbing Yaoyi Shu, bearing resemblance of Hanfeizi, is characterised with practical Tao-Shu.


This paper will analyse the interpretative turn of Wang’s annotation of Laozifrom three perspectives – theory basis, implementation approach and application,and discuss how Wang’s interpretation shifted from Wu Wei Er Zhi – the ideal way of governing a country proposed by Laozi – to the theory of avoiding war by not contending. Further to that, Wang’s theory will be compared to Hanfeizi’s interpretation of Laozi, which focuses on how Fa-Shu-Shi is practised by kings in order to rein their subjects, to demonstrate how the two share similarities on the application of Tao-Shu but at the same time diff erentiate from each other.


Through comparative analysis, it shows that Wang treated not contending as Chang Dao, and embodied it via Sage-Kings. Its implementation, which combats militant approaches, is more concrete, in terms of achieving peace and prosperity via kings’ cultivation on not contending. This ideal way of governing a country is more specifi c than the one proposed in Laozi. And it applies Tao-Shu to general cultivation
in a more practical way compared to Hanfeizi, distancing itself from the concept of dictatorship. Wang Zhen responded to the political situation at his time with his annotation of Laozi, admonishing those in power not to resort to violence. His works successfully revitalises Laozi and transforms it into the Laozi of the Tang Dynasty.
