臺灣原住民泛族群的認同與文化復振運動於一九八○年代中經臺灣原住民權利促進會等組織化推展而蔚然成風,並體現人類學者詹姆斯.克里弗德(James Clifford)所指出同時期跨國性的原民生成,與去殖民、全球化的關聯。其中,以族群語系界定的南島民族,提供臺灣原住民主體形構之際,另一層跨太平洋島嶼的共同體想像。南島(Austronesia)一詞,1899 年由奧地利學者 Wilhelm Schmidt 定名,經日本以漢語「南島」迻譯之。臺灣位處南島民族其一源頭,在當代地緣政治的邊緣處境下,進而援用南島,作為建構主體性與跨境交流的連結。在本論文中,將復返「南島」視域,反思其所帶出的地理政治、殖民接觸關係、大陸國家與海洋島嶼等概念對峙,並聚焦夏曼.藍波安 2005 年為「重建南島民族由西向東航海的偉大航海史」所實踐的南太平洋航行與書寫《大海浮夢》(2014)、《大海之眼:Mata nu Wawa》(2018)。夏曼.藍波安根植於海洋島嶼觀點的書寫,賦予蘭嶼銜接世界的新座標;藉對話克里弗德所謂文化的再銜接(rearticulation),呈現航海書寫中的跨國意義、抵殖民,與浮現的諸歷史敘事。
In the 1980s, the Pan-Aboriginalism movement and cultural revival emerged in Taiwan, not only related to the local democracy movements, but also revealed a worldwide phenomenon, which James Cliff ord describes as the process of so-called “présence indigene”. There is a deep connection between this phenomenon with the trend of decolonization and globalization. Meanwhile, the fi rst aboriginal social group “Alliance of Taiwan Aborigines” established in 1984, was regarded as a symbolic moment. For Taiwanese people, the Pan-Aboriginalism provides a new vision to reconsider the ethnic relationship on the island. The term “Austronesia” was named by Austrian scholar Wilhelm Schmidt in 1899, and was translated into Chinese characters “ 南島 ” by Japan, which provides an alternative understanding of Taiwan
as an imagined community crosses the pacifi c islands. Taiwan is located at one of the origins of the Austronesian peoples. Nowadays, when Taiwan faces a diffi cult geopolitical situation, it rearticulates the oceanic culture by reimagining its connection with Austronesia. In this paper, I will begin with a discussion of Austronesia and its related issues, such as geopolitics, colonial contacts, and the confrontation of continental and oceanic thinking. This paper focuses on the Tao indigenous novelist Syaman Rapongan’s oceanic experiences, and rethinks the topics that emerged in his writings, from Dream Ocean (2014) to Mata nu Wawa (2018), after his sailing in the South Pacifi c Ocean in 2005. Syaman Rapongan’s writings provide us with alternative ways of oceanic thinking. Moreover, he resituated Lanyu in a sea of islands, which also presents a unique thinking with James Cliff ord’s thoughts on cultural rearticulating and reveals the meanings of the historical narratives.