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九州南盡復南洋:黎國昌作品中的離散詩人交遊與詩用實踐 From South China to the South Sea: Guochang Li’s Friendship of Diasporic Poets and His Poetry-use Practices
Li, Chih-Hau
Diaspora, Xin Sheng Poetry Society, Nanyang University, Singaporean Literature, Chinese Poem

新加坡新聲詩社名譽社長黎國昌,早年遠赴法國里昂大學取得理科博士學位,返回中國後歷任廣東中山大學、上海暨南大學、南京中央大學之教職,1949 年因國共內戰轉至香港華僑工商學院任教。1955 年獲聘為南洋大學理學院教授,晚年依親定居日本。他的詩友遍及新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國、臺灣、香港、日本……等地。在作品中充分體現他在輾轉於各國的生命歷程及其詩人交遊;在漢詩唱和中可見他的離散心境,以及同樣經歷戰亂流離的各國詩人相互唱和。這體現了漢詩在戰後傾向於「詩用」的書寫傾向,詩歌與離散自中國的各地詩人產生連結,重現古代知識分子群體的社會文化行為。


Guochang Li, the honorary president of the Xin Sheng Poetry Society of Singapore, studied in Université de Lyon, France. After earning a Ph.D. degree in science, he returned to China and taught at the Sun Yat-sen University (Guangdong), Jinan University (Shanghai), and Central University (Nanjing). He moved to Hong Kong and taught at the Wah Kiu College in 1949 because of the Chinese Civil War, and was later appointed as the professor of the College of Science, Nanyang University (Singapore) in 1955. He spent the last years of his life with relatives in Japan. He was acquainted with poets from countries around the world including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Japan. Li’s works are an ample reflection of his experience as a diasporic person and of the poet friendship. His antiphonal exchange of Chinese poems with other poets who shared the experience of being displaced by war embodied their collective frame of mind, as well as the poetry-use tendency of post-war Chinese poems. Through these works, poets dispersed to the four winds established connections with each other, a sociocultural behaviour reminiscent of that of the literati in ancient China.
