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清華陸〈鄭文公問太伯〉與 《左傳》人名蠡測 A Study of Human Names in “Zheng Wengog Wen Tai Bo” Collected in Qinghua VI and Zuo Zhuan
Chien, Hsin-Yi
鄭文公問太伯 太伯 師之佢( 巨)鹿(虎) 詹父 堵之俞彌
Zheng Wengong wen Tai Bo, Tai Bo, Shi Zhi Ju Hu, Zhan Fu, Du Zhi Yu Mi



      This article intends to discuss several names of people mentioned in Qinghua Bamboo Slips VI “Zheng Wengong wen Tai Bo”, Zi Ren Cheng Zi, Tai Bo, Shi Zhi Ju Hu, Du Zhi Yu Mi, Zhan Fu and related issues. Zi Ren Cheng Zi is Zi Ren Yu, and who is the Tai Bo, three times the Chu people attacked Zheng and inspected the officials of the same period, it could be Dan Bo. The organizer assigns “Shi Zhi Ju Lu”, and examines its shape and ancient naming conventions, and the strict assignment should be “Shi Zhi Ju Hu”. Zhan Fu, suitable for “Shu Zhan”, is Zheng Wengong’s younger brother, Zuo Zhuan shows that Lu Zhaogong’s younger brother is called “Song Fu”, Tai Bo lists Zhan Fu “inner exile in the middle”, and other worthy ministers “recommend Wujun in Outside”, it can be seen that his relationship with Zheng Wengong is relatively close. At last, Du Zhi Yu Mi is the “Du Shu” of the seventh year of Xigong and the twenty-fourth year of the “Xie Du Yu Mi” of Xigong. A person who mines multiple fiefs at the same time can have different Surnames, and if there are two Surnames, they can be used at the same time. Don't refer another person “Gong Zi Shi Xie” directly because of the bamboo slips, because there are other possibilities.
