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重究天人之際—從〈觀我生賦〉論顏之推的史家筆法及敘述策略 Discussing Yan Zhitui’s Style of Historian Writing and Narrative Strategies from His Rhapsody, “Fu on Contemplation of My Life (Guan Wo Sheng Fu)”
Kung, Shih-Yao
Yan Zhitui, “Fu on Contemplation of My Life(Guan Wo Sheng Fu)”, Historical Awareness, Dislocation, Interlude



To convey the sense of loneliness for intellectuals to wander on foreign soil, Yan Zhitui composed the rhapsody, “Fu on Contemplation of My Life,” after the collapse of the Northern Qi Dynasty. The literary piece focuses on refl ecting the fall of the Chinese culture while it inherits the spirit and ultimate sympathy of traditional historians. At the same time, the rhapsody records the historical events in detail and off ers a keen analysis and criticism on the causes of each turmoil. This paper attempts to explain how Yan Zhitui skillfully arranges autobiography, documentary, and historical commentary in the rhapsody. The three-layer structure is interlaced in an orderly manner, regularly switching between the individual and collective points of view. Through the organization of events, selection of details, fi gures of speech, and switching of perspectives, Yan integrated his inner law of justice into the historical narrative with euphemistic praise and critique, consequently filling the piece with apparent judgments. During Yan's exile, he dealt with the unfamiliarity by contrasting and defining the present with the past, indicating his confusion in time and space.
Moreover, Yan cast severe doubts on both the causes of the societal collapse and the laws of the universe, while extending the contemplation to even more profound existence questions by observing people and events.
