關於《史記.張釋之馮唐列傳》中張釋之執法事蹟的詮釋,不少研究都略去「秦漢之間」的歷史背景,以法國大革命時期「法律之前人人平等」的簡略口號解讀之。本文首先從漢律、《史記》原典、漢初文化思想等背景掌握確切歷史知識,之後詳細梳理西方自然法(Natural law)發展進程,探究平等權的由來、「現實」(reality)規範與「價值」(value)理想的辯證、「形式合法」(Formal Legality)與「實質正義」(Substantive Justice)的關連,而後指出張釋之所以折服文帝者,除了法規範的公正執行等形式層面外,更深遠的意涵,落在現實秩序之上的「價值訴求」,以此作為專制時代對君權的道德拘束。最後並從西方「司法獨立」之後,仍不可避免的困境,探究司馬遷為張釋之作傳之寓意於當代社會所透顯的理想精神。
Existing researchs interpreted the topic “Application of Law by Zhang Shizhi in Shiji” as “All People are Entitled Equal Before the Law” which was the slogan of the French Revolution and then ignored the historical background between the Qin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty. First of all, this essay masters historical knowledge from the original text of Shiji, Han Dynasty legal and thoughts of the early Han Dynasty. Then explores the following topics: the development of “Natural law”, Source of equal rights, difference between “reality” and “value” and relationship “Formal Legality” and “Substantive Justice”. Then points out the reason why Zhang Shizhi can convinced Wendi is that it’s not so much “Law enforcement justice” is worse than recourse to “The Value above the Law”. And in this way to bind the power of the monarch. Finally, this essay explores the contemporary meaning of “Application of Law by Zhang Shizhi in Shiji” from difficulties that cannot be avoided even if the judiciary is independent.