在熟知的歷史敘事中,1945 年是自由世界戰勝軍國主義的時點,對臺灣而言則是脫離日本殖民統治後,境內的多元住民速求「國民化」(nationalization)的歷史階段;然而國民統合的過程在戰後初期即遭挫敗。加諸國家、國族認同建構的過程中向來指涉了明確的性別關係,本文結合此一殊異的歷史背景及認同建構概念為出發點,由雜誌《新臺灣》國族主義的男性話語空間中的女性修辭,探求戰後初期旅居北京的臺灣知識分子的文化論述與家國想像。首先,整理 1946 年創刊於北京的《新臺灣》雜誌之緣起與內容議題,詮釋戰後初期臺人言論刊物蜂起的歷史脈絡;再者,由《新臺灣》的性別比喻與女聲敘事的相關文本,剖析日治時期即置身中國的前殖民地臺灣知識分子,對於原鄉中國與故鄉臺灣的發言姿態及身分思考。本文透過《新臺灣》文學文本與報導論述中的女性修辭,意求呈現戰後初期臺人雙重邊緣角度下身分認同與性別話語的政治操作,擬女聲的情感性敘事正表現了臺灣人邊緣他者的自覺性,以及主體性追求的強烈企盼。
In the historical narrative, 1945 was the year which the free world defeated militarism. For Taiwan, it was the historical stage of the “nationalization” of the multiresidents in the territory after the disintegration of Japanese colonial rule; however, the process of national integration was broke in the early postwar period. The gender relationship has always been referred in the process of construction of the national identity. Thus, this paper combines this historical background of Taiwan in the early postwar period and the gender roles in the identity construction as the researching point. Exploring the cultural discourse and imagining nationhood of Taiwanese intellectuals who lived in Beijing in the early postwar period by discussing the feminine rhetoric in the national discourse of the magazine New Taiwan (新臺灣). This paper first summarizes the origin and content issues of New Taiwan, which was published in Beijing in 1946, to explain the historical context of the Taiwanese publications in the early postwar period.
Secondly, this paper analyzes the speaking gesture and identity thinking about the Native China(原鄉中國) and Hometown Taiwan(故鄉臺灣) of the former colonial Taiwanese intellectuals who lived in China during the Japanese colonial period by discussing the gender metaphor and feminine rhetoric of New Taiwan. This paper intends to present the political operation of Taiwanese identity and gender discourse in the early postwar period. The emotional narrative of the female voice is showing the Taiwanese consciousness of the Other and the pursuit of subjectivity.