本文跳脫學界梳理《淮南子》感應論時的主要追探向度:「理論之客觀結構為何?」而另自別一角度:「感應論所訴求之現實意義為何?」進行探討。以此為基礎,本文指出《淮南子》感應論之關懷焦點實落在:對「人對於自身與他者間的本始關係的所以遺落與如何回歸」之問題的思索上。據此脈絡,本文故一一針對底下三項課題進行分析:1.《淮南子》所建立之感應宇宙系統與物類本始關係為何。2. 本始關係緣何而被遺落。3. 回復本始關係的具體作法。期藉此以提出別一種解讀《淮南子》感應論之向度。
Instead of taking the main academic approach to discussing the “objective structure of the theory” in Huainanzi, this paper deals with the idea of perceiving and response in Huainanzhi from another perspective, “What is the realistic significance of the idea of perceiving and response?” On such basis, this paper argues that the main focus of Huainanzi lies in the question of “how the initial relationship between oneself and with one another is lost or retrieved.” In such contexts, the paper analyzes the following three themes: 1. What are the cosmic resonance system and initial relationship of objects portrayed in Huainanzi? 2. Why is the initial relationship lost? 3. What are some practical ways to bring the initial relationship back? The paper aims to interpret the idea of perceiving and response in Huainanzi by employing a different approach.