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中法閩、臺戰事之記憶書寫:以張景祁詩史與詞史為例 Memory Writing of the Sino-French War in Foochow and Taiwan: A Study of Zhang Jingqi as a Poet- and Ci-Historian
Wang, Hsiao-Wen
the Sino-French War, Zhang Jingqi, Historical Poetry, Historical Ci, Cultural Memory



The Sino-French War in Foochow and Taiwan is taken as the background of the current study to explore the emergent “historical poetry” and “historical Ci,” which document and evaluate the history of a war, in this era of having unrest inside and outside the country. In order to effectively combine historical background and literary writing, cultural memory and New Historicism are used as the starting point of our investigation to seek more diversified interpretations and richer implications of the works of “historical poetry” and “historical Ci.” This paper focuses on the in-depth analyses of Zhang Jingqi’s specific works in the late Qing Dynasty. His works were regarded as “historical poetry” and “historical Ci” because of the documents of the Battle of Foochow in the Sino-French War and the chronicles of Taiwan. Therefore, his works illustrate a good example of such studies.Through the current study, it is hoped that for the historical event of the SinoFrench War, a possible conscious cultural activity can be found. That is, through Zhang Jingqi’s narrative perspectives and historical evaluations in his “historical poetry” and “historical Ci,” those distant historical scenes can be restored to unveil disappearing events to the world, and the cultural significance hidden in them can be discovered.
